Game Of The Year Android Offline 2020 Awards


Tahun 2020 lalu banyak game bagus yang rilis di Platform Android tentunya Offline terbaik pilihan versi @gameandroidoffline 

/In 2020, many good games were released on the Android Platform, of course, the best offline version of choice @gameandroidoffline

List all games :

1. Pascal Wager
2. Dls 2020
3. Fate extella
4. Blade of God
5. Totally reliable
6. Boris the dark survival
7. Zyca
8. Endless Nightmare
9. Antarctica 88
10. The lost road
11. Guns n Spurs
12. Real rally
13. Adalet namluda 2
14. Urban legends survival
15. Crash Metal
16. Scary Robber home
17. Civilazition 6
18. Atom rpg
19. The bone fire 2
20. The first tree, 
21. House flipper
22. Misk schools quest
23. Race rocket arena car
24. Legendarya
25. Flights the valley
26. Hero shooter hunter
27. Paragon (nuker)
28. Hunter craft

Apakah kalian pernah memainkan salah satu game list versi Mimin, Gimana tanggapan dan review dari kalian? Kalo menurut Mimin yang paling excited sih game "Pascal Wager" konon dikatakan sejenis game Dark souls kemudian game "Fate extella" secara berlatar Anime salah satu genre kesukaan Mimin Action dan memang sudah sukses di platform PSVita dan PS4 grafis mantap gaya combat Action yang ajib.. kemudian "Guns n Spurs 2" nilai lebih game ini yaitu Free game size kecil bertema cowboy Atau Western salah satu juga genre Action 3D kesukaan Mimin, Terakhir yang paling unik yaitu game "Totally Reliable" sungguh Kocak gamenya simulasi mengantarkan paket dengan karakter Letoy mirip Human Fall Flat.. Sekian Mimin bahas beberapa game dan masih banyak lagi judul games seru yang rilis di tahun 2020 kemarin. 

/Have you ever played one of the Mimin's version of the game list, what are your responses and reviews? If according to Mimin, the most excited game is that the game "Pascal Wager" is said to be a kind of Dark souls game, then the game "Fate extella" with an anime background is one of Mimin's favorite genres and has indeed been successful on the PSVita and PS4 platforms. Then "Guns n Spurs 2", the added value of this game is a small free game with a cowboy or Western theme, one of Mimin's favorite 3D Action genres. Finally, the most unique game is "Totally Reliable". The simulation game delivers a package with Letoy character similar to Human Fall. Flat .. That's all Mimin discussed several games and many more exciting game titles released in 2020 yesterday.

1. Pascal Wager

2. Dls 2020

3. Fate extella

4. Blade of God

5. Totally reliable

6. Boris the dark survival

7. Zyca

8. Endless Nightmare

9. Antarctica 88

10. The lost road

11. Guns n Spurs

12. Real rally

13. Adalet namluda 2

14. Urban legends survival

15. Crash Metal

16. Scary Robber home

17. Civilazition 6

18. Atom rpg

19. The bone fire 2

20. The first tree, 

21. House flipper

22. Misk schools quest

23. Race rocket arena car

24. Legendarya

25. Flights the valley

26. Hero shooter hunter

27. Paragon (nuker)

28. Hunter craft

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